I have recently finished recording a presentation on Impact Mapping for The Agile Network. In the presentation I’m referring to several sources. They are listed below: Book Impact Mapping: Making a Big Impact with Software Products and Projects, by Gojko Adzic | Excellent book Website Impact Mapping Articles How to get the most out …
Scrum have five values. Isn’t that enough? To many it may be enough and even a little too much. To me, there is a value missing. And that is Trust. Once, in the middle of a presentation about Agile values and principles, I was told by an executive: ”We do not need to hear about …
On Wednesday, October 13, I talked about Building Blocks for Self Organization at Agile By Example. In this post you will be able to find links and references mentioned in the talk. My main point is that when moving from one way of organizing work to self organization three things need to happen: The individual …
Note: This is a guest post by Lasse Koskela originally published on his late blog. Thanks to Lasse for letting me re-post it here. I’m sitting in the hallway in Limerick, Ireland, attending the XP2008 conference, downloading something from the company server to my laptop, eavesdropping on an open space session hosted by J.B.. He’s talking about user …
When delivering Scrum classes I get a lot of questions. In some countries I get questions about how individual performance appraisals are delt with in Scrum. My short answer is: They are not! Scrum is team based and that does not fit very well with individual performance appraisals. The long and detailed answer is: How to …
When working according to Scrum you face to choose between physical tools or software tools. There are situations when software tools are required, i.e. distributed development. However, physical tools have the benefit of letting all information necessary to be accessible in one place. Team members, ScrumMaster, Product Owner and stakeholders can easily get access to the gathered …
We are pleased to announce that Esther Derby and Don Gray will be offering their 2-day Coaching Beyond the Team workshop in Malmö in May, 2016. Esther and Don are well knowned within the Agile community, having helped and coached many organizations, authored books and articles and presented at numerous conferences. Date: May 10-11 2016 Venue: Central Malmö. …
At the Scrum Gathering in Prague last week, many participants were active during the Open Space sessions of the last day. I suggested the topic “Definition of Done in different settings“. Thirteen of us found the topic interesting enough to spend 45 minutes together. Here is my write up of the discussion as I remember it. …
We have had a unique chance to get Tom and Kai Gilb to the Greater Copenhagen area. Come and learn from one of the old giants in the Lean and Agile worlds and his son. Tom Gilb is really the granddaddy of Agile. Tom Gilb has since the 70ies worked on driving value out of …
AqquNews February 2015 Hi, You are one of 265! This is the first issue of AqquNews, the newsletter from Aqqurite. 265 have signed up to recieve it. Thanks to all of you. I will create a new issue of AqquNews 4-8 times a year. AqquNews will contain information about the latest within Agile, Lean, Leadership and …
In todays Agile world we often see the need of new approaches to management. Since the nineties Agile has changed software product development. Today the need to change management approaches is emerging. The last couple of years I have noticed Radical Management, Management 3.0, Tribal Leadership, Leadership Agility, Servant Leadership, Leadership and the New Science, …
As more and more companies are implementing Agile, a perceived need for adopting Agile in large scale environment is growing rapidly. This is the first in a series addressing large scale agile. Here I will summarize the challenges and list the most well known approaches to scaling Agile that have emerged lately. In following posts …
At the end of my Certified Scrum Product Owner classes I often ask the participants to summarize their learnings from the class by writing down advice to someone starting up as a Product Owner in Scrum. The collected advice is often good. The insights shown by the participants are impressive. You can find the top …
At the end of all my Scrum classes I tell participants that I offer life time support of my classes. I encourage people to stay in touch and ask questions also after the classes. Today a participant took me up on my offer. I received the following: ”Our team has been asked to change from …
Faster, more efficient and better; there is almost no end to the promises attributed to Agile and Lean product development. Dispite all the promises many teams and organisations are not able to gain the possible benefits. Those of our customers who are most successful in their implementation of Agile or Lean are able to give …
Many of us try to avoid failure. When doing so we often forget that we can learn from failure. I recommend learning from small failures in order to avoid the big epic FAIL. Of course, it’s easier said than done. It takes a lot of practice to feel comfortable to fail. I did some practicing …
I offer Scrum Trainings in both Europe and Asia. When telling people this fact I am often asked about the differences in culture and how class participants may behave differently in Europe compared to Asia. Yes, I have noticed some differences. I have also noticed similarities. The most encouraging similarity is the habit of asking …
When traveling I have made it a habit to always count the pieces of luggage I carry. Instead of trying to remember all the time which specific pieces I carry, I just remember the number. To me it’s a safety and backup thing. I know other people do similar things. My father in law once …
I’m speaking at the Scrum Gathering in Paris, September 23-25, 2013. Session: Scrum meets Management 3.0 – how to apply the latest management ideas to strengthen Scrum Track: Empower Agile Culture with others cultures, domains and approaches Duration: 90 Minutes Timeslot: Tuesday, September 24, 13:30 – 15:00 Room: Auteuil Session Type: Workshop Level: ♥♥
I will speak at the Lean Tribe Gathering 15 in Malmö, Sweden on April 24. The title of my talk is “What Managers say about Scrum – before and after”. The talk will be in Swedish and the Swedish title is “Vad chefer säger om Scrum – ett före och efter perspektiv”.
Last year I did an inhouse Scrum training at a small company, let’s call them SmallCo. SmallCo have had a small team working according to Scrum and they are looking for possibilities to expand the use of Scrum. As many companies SmallCo are facing challenges int their implementation of Scrum. One of the obvious ones …
I am currently at the global Scrum Gathering in London. I have had the great pleasure to host a session on “Kaizen or Kaikaku – two approaches to improvement”. The slides from the presentation can be found here. Next week I will be speaking at the ScanDev on Tour conference in Stockholm. The title of …
As a foreigner in China it’s an interesting exercise in trust and letting go of control to go by taxi. Especially if you think you know how to reach a place and the driver is taking a completely different way. When I go by taxi back in Sweden I’m used to be able to follow …
Today I answered three questions on Agile from a Swedish magazine. I was asked to give brief answers. Here are the questions and my elaborated answers in English. What is the hot topic in Agile today? To me it is the Cynefin framework developed by Dave Snowden. It teaches me how to deal with different …
Last week when giving a Product Owner training class the discussion around how to prioritize got into an interesting direction. I will give you a summary of the discussion and ask for additional thoughts on this matter. After presenting ideas on how to prioritize, like Theme Screening, Theme Scoring and Relative Weighting, an intelligent class …
Today many teams and companies are turning to Agile product development. Scrum is among the most popular choices. The promises from Agile are several. Still it is good advice to do a couple of things before you go Agile. In the following I will list and discuss five things that I propose you do before …
Next week I’ll be speaking at SDC 2011 in Gothenburg. I’ll talk about Managing High ROI Software Development, Value at any cost and participate in a panel discussing the merits on certification for learning. I have my ideas on how to manage high ROI software development. By answering a short survey you can add your …
Vill du medverka till att skapa ett svenskt bidrag till en vision för ett gemensamt europeiskt nätverk för Agile och Lean? I så fall: läs vidare 🙂 Sedan en dryg månad tillbaka finns embryot till ett europeiskt nätverk för Agile och Lean (ALE) som en LinkedIn-grupp (http://linkd.in/ejSoD6). Gruppen startades av Jurgen Appelo (www.noop.nl). Läs gärna …
Whether you are to implement Lean or Agile, support from executive management is needed. Not only support is needed, also understanding, engagement and drive. Executive management has an interest in vision and strategy and what’s on the bottom line. If you have support from your executive management: Congratulations! For the rest of us: How can …
Aqqurite AB is starting up.