From Principles to Practices
Together with Kurt Nielsen from in Denmark and 舎AgileLeanHouse A/S, we are proud to arrange a three-day certification course in LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum).
Learn with Craig Larman—the co-creator of LeSS—in this 3-day highly-participative course. Participants (senior managers, agile coaches, …) get a thorough understanding of LeSS, Large-Scale Scrum, for scaling agile development to many teams working together on one product. In-depth, we explore adoption, new organizational design, systems thinking & optimization, the role of management, and very concretely how to work together in a Sprint at scale in terms of coordination, architecture, planning, and much more.
Each day includes an in-depth Q&A clinic with Craig Larman, based on his long experience with LeSS adoptions.
What participants say
“It was inspiring to discuss Large-Scale Scrum with Craig Larman. The content of the course was top-notch.” – Steve Alexander
“The delivery was outstanding and the supporting material vast and detailed.” – Simone Zecchi
“The best course I have ever been on. Totally blown away.” – Simon Powers
LeSS builds on top of the original Scrum principles such as empiricism, cross-functional self-managing teams and provides a framework for applying that throughout the organization. LeSS provides easy-to-follow structural rules and guidelines on how to adopt Scrum in large product development. Less is in our opinion the most effective and coherent set of principles and practices today for applying Scrum in large settings.
The Training Course explores adoption, new organizational design, systems thinking & optimization, the role of management, and very concretely how to work together in a Sprint at scale in terms of coordination, architecture, planning, and much more. As a special treat, each day there is an in-depth Q&A session with Craig Larman, based on his long experience with LeSS adoptions.
Participants should have a good understanding of Scrum such as ScrumMaster or Product Owner education.
LeSS Overview
- LeSS principles, frameworks, guides, experiments
- two LeSS frameworks: basic & LeSS Huge
- learning resources
- pre-adoption: building interest
- the adoption guides
- 3 principles
- getting started
- scope of first adoption
- stories of LeSS adoptions
Local Optimization & System Optimization
- local versus global systems optimization
- local optimization in planning
- local optimization in in analysis & design
- local optimization in programming & technology
Adoption: Organizing by Customer Value
- towards global optimization: multiple feature teams on one product
- adoption & organizational design implications of feature teams
- 3 types of development
- where is the Product Owner?
- discovering/defining your product scope in LeSS
- incremental change: feature-team adoption mapping
Why LeSS?
- shu-ha-ri and frameworks
- empirical process control
- why “More with LeSS”?
- systems optimization
- occupational psychology
- lean thinking & value-driven
LeSS Sprint
- preparation meetings before first Sprint
- Sprint Planning with many teams
- coordination & integration: from communities to architecture
- scaling Product Backlog Refinement
- scaling the Sprint Review & Retrospective
- multisite
Done & Undone in LeSS
- perfect and imperfect Done
- improvement, organizational design, and Done
- handling Undone
- shipping and DevOps
LeSS Rules
- rules for smaller LeSS framework
- rules for LeSS Huge
LeSS Huge Framework
- Requirement Areas
- Area Product Owners
- role of Overall Product Owner
- Area Backlogs
- adoption
More on LeSS Principles
- systems thinking and causal-loop modeling
- whole-product focus
- lean thinking
- queuing theory
More on LeSS Roles
- Managers in a LeSS organization
- ScrumMasters at scale
- Product Owner in LeSS
Deep-Dive Q&A Sessions
Although there are some constants in a LeSS adoption, there are many variations, due to myriad contexts. And there are many special-topic questions that participants have, usually variations of “When scaling Scrum, how do we…?” These questions range from “contracts to career path.” Therefore, a full half-day to day of this course is dedicated to a structured Q&A session that works through a group-prioritized list of burning issues and questions. Craig Larman, drawing on his many years of experience of actual LeSS adoptions, will dialog and explore solutions with the group.
Practical information
The LeSS course is a three day event on the 3.-5. October 2016 (9:00-18:00) at Nordea, Strandgade 3, 1401 København K. After the course you will be a Certified LeSS Practitioner and have two years membership of
Registration at or by sending email to An invoice will then be issued. We send out invoices 30 days before the event for those who have registered as early birds. Terms of payment is 10 days net.
The list-price for the course is DKK 17.500 + VAT. Until 3. September an early bird price of DKK 16.000 + VAT applies. Course material, refreshment, lunch and certification is included. In addition to course material, each participant will also receive 3 books on LeSS:
- Large-Scale Scrum: More with LeSS
- Practices for Scaling Lean & Agile Development: Large, Multisite & Offshore Product Development with Large-Scale Scrum
- Scaling Lean & Agile Development: Thinking and Organizational Tools for Large-Scale Scrum
Upon registration we issue a confirmation of participation. Cancellation of participation can be done in writing until 1 month before the event without cost. Later than that the whole fee is payable, however another person can take over the seat at the course. Payment has to be received before the start of the course.
In the unfortunate event that we have to cancel the training course, then the whole amount paid will be returned without delay to the participant. We do not have any further responsiblites for re-compensation in the event of cancellation.
Download a PDF invitation here…